Abigail's Oven REAL™ Sourdough Bread is Perfect for National Kraut Sandwich Week

Abigail's Oven REAL™ Sourdough Bread is Perfect for National Kraut Sandwich Week

Kraut lovers, rejoice! This is #NationalKrautSandwich Week is celebrated every third week of October, and it's the perfect time to indulge in your favorite kraut-filled sandwiches. Especially if you are like me and have used Jim's Homemade Sauerkraut recipe from one of those wonderful cabbages selling alongside Abigail's Oven REAL™ Sourdough Bread at our local farmers markets.

From classic Reubens to creative avocado and sauerkraut sandwiches, there are endless ways to enjoy this tangy and delicious food. So get creative and experiment with different flavors and combinations.

How to Celebrate National Kraut Sandwich Week

Here are a few ideas for celebrating National Kraut Sandwich Week:

  • Make your favorite kraut sandwich; (find mine on our blog here). 
  • Invite some friends over for a kraut sandwich potluck.
  • Try a new kraut sandwich recipe.
  • Share your favorite kraut sandwich photos and recipes on social media using the hashtag #KrautSandwichWeek.

National Kraut Sandwich Week

National Kraut Sandwich Week was founded in 1980 by the National Kraut Packers Association. It was timed to coincide with October Fests across the country, where sauerkraut is a traditional food.

Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that is fermented in a lactobacillus bacteria. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. It is also known for its digestive benefits.

Get Creative with Kraut Sandwiches

Here are a few creative kraut sandwich ideas to get you started:

No matter how you choose to enjoy it, National Kraut Sandwich Week is the perfect time to celebrate this delicious and versatile food. So get in the kitchen and start experimenting!

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