What Customers Want to Know About Eating Abigail's Oven Sourdough Bread

What Customers Want to Know About Eating Abigail's Oven Sourdough Bread

Four times a year, on the third Friday of each quarter (January, April, July, October), has been designated as #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay. So today we invite you to our Instagram page to share your personal Abigail's Oven sourdough bread flavor favorites and leave us your comments or questions. Grant our newest team member, and social media guru, will get back with you soon.

Meanwhile here are six of the most common question we are asked by our customers:

    1. What is REAL™ Sourdough bread?
      Our sourdough bread is made with an active starter, and not a sourdough culture mixed with baker's yeast like most store bought bread. Our starter is a mixture of flour and water that has been fermented by wild yeast and bacteria. We add starter to just 3 perfect ingredients: organic bread flour, spring water, and ancient sea salt.  Then we let the dough ferment overnight and back it in the morning, each loaf in its own Dutch oven. The whole process gives sourdough bread its distinctive sour flavor and chewy texture.
    2. Is sourdough bread healthier than other types of bread?
      There is some evidence to suggest that sourdough bread may be healthier than other types of bread. For example, sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index than white bread, which means that it doesn't cause blood sugar levels to spike as much. Additionally, sourdough bread contains more B vitamins and minerals than other types of bread and the fermentation process make those vitamins and minerals more bioavailable.
    3. Is sourdough bread okay for people with gluten sensitivity to eat?
      Some people with gluten sensitivity can tolerate sourdough bread better than other types of bread. This is because the fermentation process breaks down some of the gluten in the bread. However, it's important to note that sourdough bread is not gluten-free, so it's not suitable for people with celiac disease.
    4. What are the benefits of eating sourdough bread?
      In addition to being potentially healthier than other types of bread, sourdough bread also has a number of other benefits. For example, sourdough bread is:
      Easier to digest
      More flavorful
      • Has a longer shelf life
      • Contains more nutrients
    5. How do I choose the best sourdough bread?
      When choosing sourdough bread, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, look for bread that is made with a sourdough starter, not a culture. Second, choose bread that is made with just flour water and salt. Third, look for a tangy flavor and a chewy texture. Finally, look for bread that is made with whole grains.
    6. How do I store sourdough bread?
      Most sourdough bread can be stored at room temperature for week. After that, it should be moved to the freezer. Sourdough bread can be frozen for up to 2 months, but refrigeration seems to stale it quickly.  

Sourdough bread has been around for centuries, and it's enjoying a resurgence in popularity in recent years. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that sourdough bread is often seen as being healthier than other types of bread.

If you're thinking about trying sourdough bread, there are a few things you might want to know. Here are some of the most common questions people have about eating sourdough bread:

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